
The 护理学院贷款计划(NFLP) is funded by the federal government through the department of Health and Human Services and the JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing at 十大电子游艺网站排行. The NFLP is a loan cancellation program with a service obligation for recipients of the loan. 参加这个项目, a student must commit to serving as a faculty at a school of nursing following graduation, which will allow for up to 85% of the total NFLP loan to be forgiven over a consecutive four-year period while loan recipients serve as full-time nursing faculty at a school of nursing (i.e., baccalaureate or higher degree, associate degree or diploma schools of nursing).



  1. Be accepted for graduate study by 十大电子游艺网站排行 and the JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing
  2. 是美国公民或美国国民, or a lawful permanent resident of the United States and its territories
  3. Complete a NFLP Loan Application (listed under Important Links)
  4. Be enrolled as a part-time or full-time student in the MSN Nursing Education track
  5. Maintain enrollment for a minimum of 2 consecutive terms or semesters (full or part-time) during an academic year while receiving support from the NFLP
  6. 有良好的学术成绩
  7. 在申请资金的每个援助年度提交FAFSA
  8. Have no judgments or liens based on the default of a federal debt


在上述资格标准的范围内, priority consideration will be given to continuing students in the MSN Nursing Education track who are already NFLP recipients. Remaining available funds will be distributed to continuing and new Nursing Education students.

  • NFLP loans will be made to eligible students not to exceed the cost of tuition and fees
  • Students may not exceed $35,500 of NFLP support for any academic year
  • NFLP对任何学生的支持不能超过5年
  • Loan offers are subject to availability of funds and priorities listed above
    • 本票(必须填写一次)
    • Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (to be completed annually)
    • 入学辅导(每年完成)


  1. 申请乔安妮·盖伊·迪什曼护理学院 浏览MSN护理教育课程.
  2. 提交一个 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA).
  3. 完成申请 护理学院贷款计划(NFLP).

如果获得贷款批准, our third-party servicer UNISA will reach out to you via email when your NFLP documents are ready to be completed and signed. UNISA会发给你一个U99号码,并告诉你 http://borrower.unisainc.com 登入及完成. If you need any assistance from our servicer UNISA, please contact 1-800-875-8910 and/or customerservice@unisainc.com.**

**These documents must be completed before any award is granted to your account.


除了国家爱国阵线的支持, 学生可以得到其他私人的支持, 大学或联邦项目, provided that the funds are not used to cover the same costs during the academic year. 另外, the student may already receive other support that does not cover all costs (tuition and fees) for the academic period; in this case, the student may receive NFLP support to cover the remaining costs, 不包括津贴支持.


Disbursement of NFLP funds will be stopped immediately if the recipient:

  1. 不报读或改读其他课程
  2. 退出MSN护理教育轨道
  3. Fails to meet the academic standards of the JoAnne Gay Dishman School of Nursing
  4. 连续两个学期未注册

Triggering any of these conditions will result in future disbursements being canceled and the start of the grace period prior to repayment.


  1. 要求的学期数奖学金获得者必须连续两个学期注册.
  2. 支架长度:视资金情况和受助人的状况而定, the loan may be continued for a period not to exceed 5 years.
  3. 服务义务:参加该计划, a student must commit to serving as faculty at an accredited school of nursing following graduation. The borrower must submit certification of employment to 十大电子游艺网站排行 as soon as possible, 但在毕业后的12个月内. Failure to certify proper employment will result in changes to repayment terms, 包括利率.
  4. 还款条件* *: The repayment period for a NFLP loan begins following a 9-month grace period after the borrower:
    1. 毕业于他们的项目,OR
    2. 停止注册成为该项目的学生,或者
    3. 辞去护士教员的全职工作
  5. 感兴趣: The loan bears interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 3% per year beginning 3 months after the borrower ceases to be enrolled in the Nursing Education program. 然而, if the borrower either fails to complete the course of study or fails to serve as a faculty member for the full four years, the loan will bear interest on the unpaid balance at the prevailing market rates as determined by the Federal Register.
  6. 贷款取消: The borrower will receive partial loan cancellation for each complete year of full-time employment as a nurse faculty in a school of nursing, 最高可达85%. The school will cancel 20% per year for the first three years of full-time employment and 25% the fourth year.
  7. 离职面谈: 十大电子游艺网站排行 will conduct and document an exit interview with its borrowers in order to obtain evidence that the borrower knows his or her rights and responsibilities concerning the conditions of the loan and documentation of the borrower's current address, 电话号码, 以及催收贷款所需的其他联系信息.

**If the borrower is not employed full-time as a nurse faculty at a school of nursing following graduation, a loan is repayable in equal or graduated installments over a 10-year period that begins 9 months after the individual ceases to be enrolled in the School of Nursing. When the school has canceled the maximum portion of the amount of the loan for those employed full-time as a nurse faculty, the remaining amount of the unpaid loan balance is repayable in equal or graduated periodic installments over the remainder of the 10-year repayment period.

教学年数 多原谅 到期余额
1 20% 80%
2 20% 60%
3 20% 40%
4 25% 15%


鲁茜·罗宾逊,博士,注册会计师,CNS, FAEN, CEN, NEA-BC
