
SAP for Students Receiving Federal and State 学生援助

每年春季学期结束时, Lamar will evaluate the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving federal student aid. 


维持获得经济援助的资格, you must meet the following minimum SAP standards at the time of evaluation:

Failure to maintain these standards will result in the suspension of your financial aid and the loss of your financial aid eligibility.  

  1. GPA:最低累积平均绩点

 The cumulative GPA at LU will be evaluated in determining if a student is meeting the GPA standards.



    2. 速度/完成率

 所有LU学时, LU记录的转运小时数, 补救, 重复, 审计, and hours removed by academic fresh start will be evaluated to determine if you are meeting the required 67% completion rate component for SAP.  Your pace is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours you have successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours you have attempted. 完成率为66.67%或更高将四舍五入到67%.

 -成功完成时数 include grades of A, B, C, D, S, or SE 

 -成功完成时数 包括F、I、W、U、UE、Q、QL、NG或AU等级

 Example 1: John has attempted 36 credit hours at the time of the SAP review.  He has ‘successfully completed’ 30 credit hours (83% of the hours attempted).  他符合SAP的Pace标准. 

 Example 2: Sarah has attempted 108 credit hours at the time of the SAP review. She has ‘successfully completed’ 69 credit hours (64% of the hours attempted).  她不符合SAP的Pace标准. 

    3. 完成学位的最大时间框架

Undergraduate and Graduate/Professional students are eligible to receive financial assistance for a limited period of time while pursuing a degree. The number of credit hours a student attempts cannot exceed 150% of the credit hours required for completion in the chosen program of study, 在大学目录中公布. Credit hours are cumulative; thus, students working towards obtaining more than one degree in the same category (e.g., two bachelor’s degrees) may exceed the maximum allowed hours.  Additional degrees are NOT evaluated independently. Transfer credit hours posted to the official transcript record, 补救, 重复, and all courses removed through the Academic Fresh Start process will be counted as attempted credit hours, whether or not they are applicable to your current degree.

Example:  Emily's degree program requires 120 credit hours, 120 multiplied by 150% equals 180.  Emily must complete her program before exceeding 180 credit hours.


你将被暂停经济资助, 导致你失去了经济援助, 如果出现以下任一情况:

  1. 你没有达到2.0 ug gpa / 3.SAP评估期的GPA标准为0.
  2. You fail to meet the 67% 速度/完成率 standards at the SAP evaluation period.
  3. You will exceed 150% of your degree program before completing your degree.

You will be notified by email if your financial aid has been suspended.  也, 你的学业进展, 位于自助服务横幅, will be updated to one of the following suspension codes.

S_GPA (Student not meeting GPA standard for financial aid)

S_COMP (Student not meeting 速度/完成率 standard for financial aid)

S_MULTI (Student not meeting GPA or 速度/完成率 standards for financial aid)

S_MAX (Student is close to or has exceeded 150% of the degree plan)


If your financial aid has been suspended it is possible to re-establish your financial aid eligibility. 要重新获得资格,您必须:

A.  Enroll in courses at your own expense in a subsequent term(s) until all standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress are met.


B.  是否有已批准的上诉存档. 


If one of the following extenuating circumstances have prevented you from meeting the financial aid SAP standards, you may be eligible to appeal the suspension of your financial aid.

  1. 对你(学生)的伤害或疾病
  2. 直系亲属死亡
  3. 其他情有可原的情形 
  4. 返回攻读下一个学位
If none of the above-mentioned items have prevented you from meeting SAP, you are ineligible to appeal your financial aid suspension.  Your financial aid will remain suspended until you meet 十大电子游艺网站排行’s Financial Aid SAP Standards.  你可以发邮件 financialaid@拉马尔.edu from your LU student email account once these standards have been met.


1.The SAP Appeal Worksheet (found on your self-service banner), which includes:

  1. A typed statement detailing what specifically happened that prevented you from meeting the required SAP standard?
  2.  What has changed that will allow you to make satisfactory progress at your next evaluation?

2. Documentation or evidence of your extenuating circumstances (i.e.: letter from physician, counselor,  therapist, academic advisor, hospital documentation, etc.) Providing supporting documentation is required for all SAP appeals.



  • 秋季- 7月1日
  • 春季- 1月5日
  • 夏季- 5月25日


  • 秋季- 11月20日
  • 春季- 4月20日
  • 夏季- 7月20日

Appeals completed by the priority deadline may take 10-15 business days for review, any appeal received after the priority deadline may take up to three weeks for review.  如果截止日期是周末或节假日, you must submit no later than the following business day.

Please note that submission of an appeal does not guarantee an approval.  在等待决定的过程中不要缺课.  You are responsible for meeting any payment deadline while waiting on an appeal decision.


Appeals that are incomplete or are illegible will not be reviewed.  You will be notified through your LU email if we are unable to review your appeal.  Once reviewed, all appeal decisions will be sent to your LU email account.  也, 你的学业进展 will be updated in your self-service banner account to one of the codes 下面列出的 to reflect the appeal decision.


PUGPA or PGGPA (Student is under probation and must meet the Academic Plan for GPA deficiency, 下面列出的.)

PUCOMP or PGCOMP (Student is under probation and must meet the Academic Plan for 速度/完成率 deficiency, 下面列出的.)

PU150 (Student is under probation and must meet the 最长时间框架的学术计划, 下面列出的.)




如果你的上诉是 否认, any aid already awarded for the applicable term will be canceled.  如果否认, you may request to have your appeal reviewed by the Financial Aid Appeal Committee (the committee’s decision is final).  如果你的上诉被驳回, 你可以重新获得经济援助资格, see the section above titled "重建财政援助资格".

如果你的上诉是 批准 you will be placed on probation and financial aid will be reinstated for one semester.  While on probation you will be assigned one of the academic plans 下面列出的 to aid you in meeting the minimum SAP standards. At the end of the probationary period (one semester), you must either;

A. 满足总体SAP标准,或者

B. Meet the requirements of your assigned academic plan

Academic Plan for GPA deficiency (GPA below the required minimum)

  1. 在注册的所有学时取得及格成绩
  2. 平均成绩不低于2分.25人(本科生)或3人.25(研究生/博士)
  3. 不放弃或退出任何已注册的课程 after the drop/add period

Students who break the GPA Academic Plan conditions will not be allowed to reappeal until the following conditions are met:

  1. The student successfully completes a minimum of 6 hours of academic enrollment required for their degree path 十大电子游艺网站排行. If more than 6 hours are taken, all credit hours must be completed with a passing grade.
  2. 平均绩点达到2分.本科生25人以上,3人以上.研究生25元. 

Academic Plan for Pace deficiency (Cumulative SAP is below the required 67%)

  1. 在注册的所有学时取得及格成绩
  2. 平均成绩不低于2分.0(本科生)或3.0(研究生/博士)
  3. 不放弃或退出任何已注册的课程 after the drop/add period 

如果你违反了学业计划协议, you will not be able to appeal your suspension again until you meet the following requirements.

  1. The student successfully completes a minimum of 6 hours of academic enrollment required for their degree path 十大电子游艺网站排行.
  2. 平均绩点达到2分.本科生25人以上,3人以上.研究生25元.


  1. Earn a grade of  A,B,C,S, or SE in all hours enrolled
  2. 平均成绩不低于2分.25人(本科生)或3人.25(研究生/博士)
  3. 不放弃或退出任何已注册的课程
  4. 只选你学位计划内的课程

如果你违反了学业计划协议, you will not be allowed to re-appeal.  在你毕业之前,你的资助将一直被拒绝.

You will be required to sign an academic plan before any future financial aid is released to you.  If your academic plan changes, you will be required to sign off on the new plan.

如果您符合B项所列的条件, 但仍未达到SAP的总体标准, you will remain on probation for the subsequent term and must continue to follow the academic plan assigned to you.     

Failure to meet conditions of the plan assigned to you, 会导致你的经济资助被拒绝吗.  Subsequent appeals of the same nature will not be allowed.  Your financial aid will remain denied until you re-establish eligibility for financial aid (see below).

Re-Establishing Eligibility if the Plan Agreement is Breached

如果你违反了学业计划协议, and your financial aid has been denied due to GPA or Pace deficiency, it is still possible to re-establish your financial aid eligibility for future terms. 要重新获得资格,您必须:

A.  Enroll in courses at your own expense in a subsequent term(s) until all standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress are met.


B.  是否有已批准的上诉存档. 


If you have been denied aid for breaking your academic plan conditions, you will be allowed to re-appeal once you meet the following conditions over a subsequent term at LU without the assistance of financial aid.

  1. The student successfully completes a minimum of 6 hours of academic enrollment required for their degree path 十大电子游艺网站排行. If more than 6 hours are taken, all credit hours must be completed with a passing grade.
  2. 平均绩点达到2分.本科生25人以上,3人以上.毕业生25元

Once you meet the conditions in item A or B listed above, notify the 学生援助 office by emailing financialaid@拉马尔.edu 从你的学生电子邮件帐户.  If it is determined that you are meeting overall SAP standards, your status will be changed to good and you will regain eligibility for financial aid.  If you are still not meeting overall SAP standards but have met the conditions listed in item B above, 你将有资格再次上诉.  如果你的上诉被批准, you will be placed back on an academic plan (reference the section titled, “上诉决定”). 

If your financial aid has been denied due to not meeting the Maximum Time-Frame requirement, you will remain ineligible to receive financial aid 十大电子游艺网站排行 until a degree has been obtained and you return under a different student class,( e.g., You earn your bachelor’s degree and return as a graduate student ). 


如果你的SAP上诉被拒绝, or if you are not eligible to appeal the suspension of your financial aid, you will be responsible for all costs associated with your enrollment. 学生援助 will certify a private educational loan if you secure and are approved by a private lender.  您可以十大电子游艺网站排行的办公室了解更多信息.



Hazlewood SAP will be evaluated after each term concludes.  Failure to maintain the following standards will result in the suspension of the Hazlewood exemption. 

  1. GPA (Undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高, graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高).
  2. Excessive Hours (An undergraduate student seeking a baccalaureate degree is considered to have excessive hours if on the first day of the term the student has attempted over more than 30 hours of what is required of the degree program.  


If your hazlewood has been suspended it is possible to re-establish eligibility. 要重新获得资格,您必须:

A.  Enroll in courses at your own expense in a subsequent term(s) until all standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress are met.


B.  是否有已批准的上诉存档. 


If one of the following extenuating circumstances have prevented you from meeting the financial aid SAP standards, you may be eligible to appeal the suspension of your hazlewood exemption.

  1. 对你(学生)的伤害或疾病
  2. 直系亲属死亡
  3. 其他情有可原的情形 
  4. 返回攻读下一个学位

If none of the above-mentioned items have prevented you from meeting SAP, you are ineligible to appeal and your exemption will remain suspended until meeting the SAP standards for the benefit.

要完成黑兹伍德上诉,请访问 http://vk8.verbanecphotography.com/forms/veterans-affairs/hazelwood-exemption-appeal.html


